Miss V

By Miss V. 10 Jan, 2019
pHformual skin resurfacing represents the next level of skin care and anti-ageing
By Miss V. 24 Mar, 2018

Sooooooooo not so sure about this one – sucking areas of my body (which usually I’d fight to keep covered at ANY cost) with some kind of fat-freezing machine? Not only do I find these ‘quick fix’ solutions pretty unbelievable, I’m really not up for anything that involves temperatures below zero.

Let me explain dear Vaulties - the cold and I are not friends – I’m a sun-child! I don’t believe there’s such a thing as ‘too hot’ and I’ll happily toast my bits and bobs for as many hours as the sunshine feels able to shine! Therefore, the idea of volunteering to actually be frozen using the new Lipoglaze treatment isn’t the most appealing.

“Why would you do that??” I hear you cry……… well, I’ve been given the chance to get rid of the bane of my life.

We’ve all got area of the body that jumps out and mocks us each time we glance in a mirror and for me it’s a small expanse of wobbliness below my bra strap and above my jeans that I’d love to describe in more delicate terms but in reality is the ultra unglamorous and most dreaded BACK FAT!

However, even though the reward is my most desired, body-improving dream the reality of Lipoglaze is still daunting and it’s with a certain amount of trepidation that I wait to be called into the treatment room.

“What are you having done?” a friend of a friend asks as she sits unaware, flicking through mags.

“Ermmm Lipoglaze fat freezing,” I mumble, looking out of the window and trying not to puke with nerves.

“What??” she spluttered “You’re having what? Fat frozen – How? Where? Why?”

All eyes in the salon swivel my way and I feel myself rambling incoherently about the process I’m about to embark on.

“I’ve got this little tiny bit of unhappy fat which will be PAINLESSLY frozen to minus one degree and after a certain amount of time will melt effortlessly from my body, leaving me slinky-backed and fabulous,” I ramble, looking at my feet.

The salon is stunned into silence.

“Errrrrrrr where does the fat go?” a voice by the sinks whispers.

“YES!” bellows the friend of a friend as her hairdryer starts to whir – “Good question; where does it go?? If it’s frozen does it just fall off your body like a giant fat-berg?!”

Squeals of laughter follow my terrified, fat-berg traumatised self as my smiling therapist, Kara, emerges to lead me into the tranquillity of the treatment room.

As with all these things the thought of it is so much worse than the actual process….

By Miss V. 05 Mar, 2017
An incredible rejuvenating skin treatment.
By Miss V. 06 Jan, 2017

I have a secret. So big, so glorious I’m chewing my lip and contemplating whether or not to share it. Not because it’s in anyway contentious or litigious but because it’s so ruddy brilliant I sort of want to keep it to myself………

However, Miss V is all about sharing fellow Vaulties so draw closer, lend me your ear and prepare to discover the holy grail of all beauty treatments – the elixir of eternal youth!

Now I‘ve dabbled with Botox, I’ve even had the odd bit of plump put in my luscious lips but I’ve always erred on the side of caution with fillers and injectables; with names I cannot pronounce and results that seem to vary from permanently terrifying to scare-you-children shocking.

So, dear reader it was with a certain amount of trepidation that I sat down in one of The Vault’s big comfy beauty chairs to discuss va-va-vooming my face with the glorious Dawn Jasper.

I might add I am utterly in love with the wonderful D.Jasper; she calmed my hysterical self in seconds, didn’t put up with any of my unnecessary nonsense and is so professional and charming that I would have let her carry out a full face lift there and then!

However, I digress dear reader – I sense your impatience……..what is this fountain of youthful solace you discovered Miss V? I hear you cry!

Right, well…. It’s called (lowers voice and speaks in a whisper ;-) ) Sculptra.

Such a simple word, such an unassuming group of vowels and consonants which lilt off the tongue in such a simple way – yet the product under the name possesses the greatest and most wonderful of all powers – the ability to turn back time!

So how does it work? Unlike other skin plumping injectables which put a substance into your face to immediately puff out lines and creases, Sculptra uses a poly-L-lactic acid to stimulate your own collagen!  Therefore rather than having a foreign substance placed in your dermis, Sculptra kick starts your own collagen into doing its job again converting you back to your youthful self again!

So that’s the science bit at its most basic level (for a more in-depth journey into Sculptra go and talk to the Dawn – she can ally any fear and truly is a absolute encyclopedia of knowledge on how and why this amazing product works)

Now down to the nitty gritty – having had a few pics taken of my slightly droopy, sad looking 45-year-old face I begged Dawn to get going!

By Miss V. 12 Dec, 2016

Miss V – “It’s Sanity NOT Vanity!”

Keeping you abreast of all things beautiful..

So here I am and what a season to start with – it’s a cool Yule and I’m in full festive flow ……yet we all know it’s coming; get Christmas out of the way and there’s nothing you can do to stop it.

Sinking lower into your giant, winter jumper won’t help and pretending it isn’t ever going to get lighter in the evenings isn’t going to cut it either….

A bit more of winter, a blink of spring and then it’s here…….SUMMER! That glorious period of bronzed limbs, revealing bikinis, flushed cheeks and Bellinis is looming like an annoying spotlight on pasty-white, hairy bodies! I know it feels like you’ve only just donned the 80 denier, given up looking at your naked body and thought “to hell with the diet”!

Jeez, even writing about being  ‘beach-ready-body’ makes me want to grab a box of Celebrations and lay on the sofa with a cushion on my head, whimpering slightly whilst drooling melted chocolate and semi-consciously ignoring the warmer air outside.

However, not this year Vaulties! Miss V is getting ready …. I’m going to meet those warmer months bang on, full frontal, show-me-the-rays, body confident! This year sun, you’re not going to be the only thing ready to SHINE!

But…..I realise, I need some help!!!

Standing in front of a long mirror as nature intended, I open one eye long enough to take in skin the colour of tinned rice pudding and hair…, hair…let’s just say Chewbacca would be jealous.

So this is what I’m tackling first in my “stand up to summer campaign” – the body blanket that seems to have grown over my body during the past few winter months! Comfortable and practical?  Yes. Beautiful and alluring  most definitely not! It’s got to go and so I hotfoot it down to The Vault to tap into their scare hair tactics.

Hair (not the stuff on my head I might add, that doesn’t seem to have got the “grow as fast and as thick as you can” memo the rest of my body got) is the bane of my life.

Shaving if I’m honest does my head in (patchy, bleeding limbs are never a good look) so I put myself in therapist Jess’s hands for an underarm Soprano Ice Hair Removal session.

I’m not keen on doing this – I’ve had laser for hair before and it really, really ruddy hurts!! Like a hideous and prolonged attack of twanging elastic bands all over your body. I’d managed 40 seconds previously before sobbing and storming out just as hairy as before (except for a small, round, red-raw patch on my left shin.)

But in the name of Miss V I follow Jess into the therapy room and we begin……..

“I’m very sensitive,” I tell her

“It won’t hurt.” she assures.

“Can you turn it off if I cry?” I ask

“It won’t hurt.” she says again.

“I think my skin is thinner than most…” I panic

“It won’t hurt.” she repeats.

“Maybe we should give it a week to grow a bit?” I bleat.

“I’ve finished.” she chirps!

And she had! J

It honestly hadn’t vaguely, slightly, even a little bit caused me any pain whatsoever  - I’ve had jeans cause me more discomfort and if I could liken it to anything it was a bit like having a warm, roll-on deodorant rubbed on your pits! It’s all to do with the special ice cooling technology but who cares about the science - IT DOESN’T HURT!

Relaxing isn’t an adjective I’d usually associate with laser hair removal but this is sublime – I actually felt pampered by the end of the session (so much so that I then panicked it hadn’t worked. However, dear reader a couple of weeks down the line my fluff is finer, my armpit smoother and all that after only one session!)

Soprano Ice is an absolute revelation and as The Vault is the only place in Kent to offer this futuristic hair blasting service, get your hairy self down there asap and free yourself of annoying fuzz forever – this time it’s all the gain with NO pain!

Stick it on you Christmas list forthwith!

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