Blog Post

pHformula Skin Resurfacing

  • By Miss V.
  • 05 Mar, 2017

Want to look younger? Read on...

I wish I listened more.

I was useless in the classroom, pathetic during job inductions and can honestly say would never survive a plane crash as have never, ever, even once for just a little bit listened to what the air stewardess says about putting on your life jacket if mid air drama occurs.

It is a problem that once again I fear may have got me in trouble. Maybe then the words “…..and then you can come back for your first skin resurfacing” wouldn’t be keeping me awake at night trying to piece together the proceeding conversation! ☺

Let me explain my predicament dear Vaulties…….. So, clutching a coffee, Grazia and a huge pair of sunglasses I popped into The Vault the other day to moan about the ruddy awful condition of my skin. Yes it was looking tight and non-lined (thank you darling Dawn and the elixir of youth that is Sculptra) but I felt dull, drab and had pores so large I honestly think I could use them as a purse.

Kara and Jess didn’t seem phased and told me they’d sort me out in no time thanks to the amazing results of the pHformula products they use.

This is where things get sticky.

I know Kara told me about the products I was to apply as I vaguely remember her holding them up to me, and I know Jess mentioned that these ‘advanced pharma-cosmeceutical creams and procedures’ would give me back the kind of skin I’d last seen in my 20s (you don’t forget that kind of stuff eh ladies??!!) but other than that I really can’t kind of remember!

Before the treatment

So here I am clutching a bag of products looking in the mirror wanting to weep at my grey, ghoulish pallor with Kara’s words ringing in my ears: “first…skin….resurfacing”.

What is coming next dear reader?? Who knows? All I know is these products smell delicious (sort of medical and serious but flowery and kind at the same time), that I’m to use a cleanser, an active product and a Vit C moisturiser twice a day and that I’m to return in a month.

Gulp! Here goes nothing – except (even though I can’t remember I trust pHformula and The Vault to the ends of this beauty-seeking earth) a firm adios to my depressed looking, porridge coloured skin!

Shut the front door! Cheese on bread! OMG!

It doesn’t matter that I don’t listen, it doesn’t matter that I didn’t know what I was doing, it doesn’t even matter about the slightly scary, a tad ominous “first skin resurfacing” comment – PHFORMULA ROCKS!!!

Having meticulously applied the three-step-process (cleanser, active cream, Vit C) morning and night for a month I am gobsmacked at the change in my skin.

I’m not exaggerating when I say that I could honestly see a difference in just two days and having tried just about every high end, youth-searching serum/cream on the planet this is not a claim I make lightly (the other brilliant thing with these products is they’re purse friendly – mid priced and good sized).

As a bit of a label snob when it comes to creams I slap on my fizzgog (stupid I know, but I tend to think the more expensive it is the better it must be) I wasn’t expecting much but ended up being blown away by these products.

Bouncing into The Vault expecting to be showered with compliments about my dewy complexion, Kara merely looked up, showed me through to the divinely comfortable beauty bed and said: “Now we’re going to give you the skin you’ve dreamed of!”

And they only bloomin’ did!

This was the ‘skin resurfacing’ bit I’d been fretting about. But unlike the old days when you were left with a sore, red face and the look of a snake shedding it’s outer epidermis, things have thankfully moved on. Way on.

The A.G.E skin resurfacing treatment (I was up for combatting age but you can battle other skin problems such as hyperpigmentation, acne and rosacea with the tailored pH treatments) is VERY effective but doesn’t leave you looking like a peeling, painful mess.

It was at this point, for the first time in forever I actually listened (something this good deserves the reference of lending one’s ear!)

Basically the resurfacing kick-starts your cells to regenerate in the different layers of the skin (did you know there’s six layers??? See Kara, I do listen!!) whilst at the same time reducing any inflammation and trauma to your face – simply amazing.

Microneedling promotes stimulation of collagen

So what did it involve? Well, a chemical (the ‘resurfacing’ part) was washed over my skin and left until it started to slightly sting (nothing too uncomfortable so don’t panic – like ants with hot feet walking across your cheeks!), then a Vit C booster is pushed into your skin with a roller holding tiny pins (it's called micro needling apparently) and finally a cooling mask was then applied (just lovely)!

Yes! I did say tiny pins!!!! Did this hurt? Hmmmmmmm a bit like having your face rubbed gently with a cactus I’d say – I’d definitely say it ‘tingled’ but I’ve been know to take time off work for period pain or a paper cut (my friend Loopy also had the treatment at the same time and scoffed at my cactus description; but she’s hard. Proper hard. If she lost a limb, she’s stick a plaster on it and still make spin! So I’d go with somewhere in between – not painful but not painless!)

Who cares though because the results are simply unbelievable.

Brave enough for 'make up free' on the internet thanks to pHformula
I don’t want to sound all evangelical and preachy here but this treatment really is life changing.

I’ve never had skin as good as this – so clear, so dewy, peachy and absolutely pore free and it truly changes your confidence levels.

Talking to other ladies who are having the treatment for acne prone skin or rosacea it is an emotional club to join – pHformula really does change faces and having actually seen the unbelievably positive difference it has made to mine and so many others skin; I’d be so bold as to say that when it comes to holding your head high it could even change your life.

Still no make up!
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