Blog Post

Lipoglaze Fat Freezing

  • By Miss V.
  • 24 Mar, 2018

Sooooooooo not so sure about this one – sucking areas of my body (which usually I’d fight to keep covered at ANY cost) with some kind of fat-freezing machine? Not only do I find these ‘quick fix’ solutions pretty unbelievable, I’m really not up for anything that involves temperatures below zero.

Let me explain dear Vaulties - the cold and I are not friends – I’m a sun-child! I don’t believe there’s such a thing as ‘too hot’ and I’ll happily toast my bits and bobs for as many hours as the sunshine feels able to shine! Therefore, the idea of volunteering to actually be frozen using the new Lipoglaze treatment isn’t the most appealing.

“Why would you do that??” I hear you cry……… well, I’ve been given the chance to get rid of the bane of my life.

We’ve all got area of the body that jumps out and mocks us each time we glance in a mirror and for me it’s a small expanse of wobbliness below my bra strap and above my jeans that I’d love to describe in more delicate terms but in reality is the ultra unglamorous and most dreaded BACK FAT!

However, even though the reward is my most desired, body-improving dream the reality of Lipoglaze is still daunting and it’s with a certain amount of trepidation that I wait to be called into the treatment room.

“What are you having done?” a friend of a friend asks as she sits unaware, flicking through mags.

“Ermmm Lipoglaze fat freezing,” I mumble, looking out of the window and trying not to puke with nerves.

“What??” she spluttered “You’re having what? Fat frozen – How? Where? Why?”

All eyes in the salon swivel my way and I feel myself rambling incoherently about the process I’m about to embark on.

“I’ve got this little tiny bit of unhappy fat which will be PAINLESSLY frozen to minus one degree and after a certain amount of time will melt effortlessly from my body, leaving me slinky-backed and fabulous,” I ramble, looking at my feet.

The salon is stunned into silence.

“Errrrrrrr where does the fat go?” a voice by the sinks whispers.

“YES!” bellows the friend of a friend as her hairdryer starts to whir – “Good question; where does it go?? If it’s frozen does it just fall off your body like a giant fat-berg?!”

Squeals of laughter follow my terrified, fat-berg traumatised self as my smiling therapist, Kara, emerges to lead me into the tranquillity of the treatment room.

As with all these things the thought of it is so much worse than the actual process….

After fending off a panic attack and pushing all thoughts of ice-cube shaped lumps of frozen fat-berg being torn from my body, Kara busied herself prepping my back as she calmed me down.

“Noooooooooooooo!” she laughed. “You will not be leaving with a little bag of fat-bergs! It’s totally non invasive and you’re not going to notice anything other than the fact in a few weeks time you WILL look and feel slimmer.”

This promise of smoothed out lumps and bumps was enough to have me jumping on to the bed, whipping my jeans off and quickly pointing out the offending areas.

I’m not in bad shape for an old bird edging ever nearer to 50 and whilst Bikram yoga and a pretty healthy diet sorts out most of my problems, I’ve always had trouble shifting the fatty pad at the bottom of my back – cutely and utterly ironically tagged ‘Love-Handles’

“You’ve just about enough here to work with,” Kara explained (you need to have enough fat to be treated – it’s the only time you’ll be thankful your bumps are big enough to bust!) “You’re going to see a brilliant result and it will definitely enhance your overall shape.”

Bracing myself as she placed a gel infused pad (protects the skin from the freezing temperatures) on my back I waited in anticipation as the Lipoglaze machine pads were placed on my back and the sucking and freezing began.

It’s cold, it’s different, it’s most definitely odd but you couldn’t even call Lipoglaze uncomfortable let alone painful. I lay happily for 45 minutes answering texts and emails without even a flinch at the icy magic happening on my back.

After a quick massage from Kara, I was left with two red, cold marks and a sense of excitement at the thought of my impending bump free silhouette.

So how does is work? Basically, the offending fatty part of your body is cooled down to the extent that cells get frozen and dissolved, from where they can be naturally excreted from your body. It’s totally non-invasive, tightens, tones and most importantly blasts wobbles without the need of the bashing off of a single fat-berg!

“So?........has it worked?” Yes! Yes and YES! Without any to change to my usual exercise and diet regime in just 4 weeks I’ve lost a neat 1.5 inches and my waist/lower back area is definitely more defined - the love handles gone in a puff of lipoglaze!  You get ultimate results at 12 weeks so Kara is confident my results will just get better and better.

It’s a remarkable machine which has truly left me in a bit of a daze – the results are pretty staggering.

I have to admit to being more than a little bit sceptical before I did this – a machine that melts fat away in just one 45-minute, painless session seems too good to be true – but it really is just that…totally true and utterly, utterly brilliant.

Although you could in theory treat your whole body treated (they even have a small suction pad for any annoying chin wobbles) realistically, your best thinking of Lipoglaze as a final secret push on those stubborn areas – love handles, bingo wings, turkey neck (jeez who comes up with these monikers!) will all melt quickly and painlessly away.

I’m such an advocate that I’ve returned for another session on my tummy and the little wobble under my chin (you can have two areas zapped at once – can this machine actually get any better??) ; if the results are anything like the tightened, taut results of my shrunken love handles then I’ll be setting up my own personal shrine to Lipoglaze (I’ll keep you posted)

 I can’t say enough about this genius treatment – cold has never felt (or looked!) so good!

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